Learn the Fine Art of French Pastry


“Dear readers, what a treat to have you on my page, I welcome you to my Crumbs of Wisdom official blog. Let me share with you more than a slice of Wisdom but the whole cake.
The skills, the knowledge, the assets, the thought process that guide my pastry creations and teachings: ‘In the world of baking and pastry, every ingredient has a purpose, every technique a story, and every creation a soul”

Fundamentals Pastry


In the symphony of flavours, every pinch of passion, a dash of devotion, an ounce of love becomes the essential harmony for the masterpiece of creation

Learn Improve

Embark on a journey with Crumbs of Wisdom and Experience the fusion of your imagination and our expertise.
Introduce interactive learning tools and quizzes.
Feature video content like tutorials or live baking sessions.

Baking, Pastry, Culinary guides

Navigate the art of French gastronomy with our comprehensive list of guides, your ultimate companions in the kitchen.
Include special annotations for health-conscious and dietary options in your guides.
Offer seasonal and thematic content related to baking and pastry arts.

Help yourself with Recipes

Unlock the secrets of baking and pastry with our recipes, designed to empower your inner chef with confidence and creativity.
Aware of neurodivergent understanding which I value, I’ll find the pedagogic approach.

Ethical Ingredient Sourcing

Developing and providing an interactive map or infographic that allows you my readers to explore where and how key ingredients are sourced, highlighting ethical practices and sustainability.

Pastry Consulting

A place for services offered, such as personal consultations, professional baking advice, or personalized coaching sessions for individuals or businesses.
Discuss collaborations, partnerships and interviews and include guest contributions.

Baking Science

An exploration of the ‘why’ behind baking, delving into the chemistry and science that make recipes work, perfect for those who want to understand the technical side. I’ll offer Products reviews and recommendations.

Community and events

A space to foster a valuable sense of community among you, my readers. Here, I’ll post about baking contests, meet-ups, online webinars, and community questions and answers. The creation of a forum, platform to exchange together in safety and efficiency.

Coming soon

In the near future, I’ll release what I’m working on. Please be patient, apparently, it will be an App, then a chatbot, and my own Learning Language Model and all of it for your benefits.

A Palette of Knowledge

Our curated selection of educational materials serves aspiring and professional pastry chefs, offering a blend of tradition and innovation.

Wisdom in Pastry

  • Cultivate Craftsmanship
  • Refine Skills
  • Inspire Creativity

Crumbs Newsletter

  • Learn the latest
  • Expert Advice
  • Community Highlights

Watch, Read, Listen

“I embarked on my pastry journey seeking knowledge from an experienced instructor but found so much more in Chef Julien. Not only did I gain invaluable skills in baking and pastry, but also life lessons that reshaped my perspective. Chef Julien’s guidance was instrumental in building my confidence and honing my baking and pastry abilities. Their support extended beyond the kitchen, offering understanding and compassion for my personal challenges as well. His supportive environment and encouragement they fostered have left a lasting impact. I’m grateful for the safe, welcoming learning space they created and for every lesson, technique, and word of encouragement. Thank you, Chef Julien, for being more than just a chef, but a true mentor in every sense.”


“I had the privilege of being a student under the guidance of Chef Julien, and I can confidently say that his impact on my journey as a pastry enthusiast was truly transformative. Chef Julien possesses an exceptional blend of passion, expertise, and a strict yet nurturing teaching style that not only elevated my technical skills but also ignited a profound love for the art of pastry. He had fueled my confidence in pursuing my own unique pastry creations. I am forever grateful for the inspiration and knowledge given to me by Chef Julien!”


”Hi, My name is Pathomphong, As one of Chef Julien’s students I can say that I have gained so many areas of knowledge and experiences working in the professional kitchen. In class, Chef always said “details make the difference” which I still remember now, when I work in the industry some nights I have to plate 180+ dishes and I never got complaints at all because of those attentions to details that I have learned from Chef Julien. Chef also teaches me to multitask to pay attention to everything around you because when you are in the kitchen, everything is matters like Time, Temperature and all of your surroundings. I am really grateful for the many lessons I have learned from Chef Julien


“Navigating the challenges of pastry class during the Covid period, my experience with Chef Julien has been truly exceptional. Despite the hurdles, Chef Julien has been a beacon of inspiration, sharing not only his profound pastry expertise but also fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. His passion for the art of pastry is contagious, turning each class into a delightful journey of discovery. I am thrilled to be a part of Chef Julien’s blog, as his remarkable skills and teaching style deserve to be celebrated and shared with the world”

“To become who I am today in the bakery business, Chef Julien is the one who has been the cornerstone of my success. Alongside the fun experience of studying, he provided me with the tools and motivation to achieve my goal, Chef Julien, my first teacher in the world of baking. His unwavering dedication to his craft, his guidance, and mentorship have been invaluable in shaping my journey. His passion for baking and commitment to excellence inspired me till today. With his expertise, I’ve not only honed my skills but also cultivated a deep love for the art of baking. I owe a significant part of my success to his invaluable teachings and encouragement. Thank you, Chef Julien”

Pavarisa Chantapetch, Thailand

Thank you does not adequately express my gratitude for the time and experience I spent in Chef Julien’s class. I will forever be thankful for everything he has taught me over the six months in the baking and pastry program. He empowered me with his enriched lessons, confidence, and life philosophy that I will continue to carry on for the rest of my life. Not only did he teach the lessons but also shared life values and gave us insights of the baking and pastry industry. One thing I admire about Chef is he always encourages me and pushes my limits because he believes what I am capable of which helped me tremendously in building my confidence. He is definitely very devoted and passionate towards his work and craft which is admiring to see. He is someone that I will always respect. Once again, thank you Chef Julien for being a wonderful teacher and mentor.

“lily Vancouver”

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